
The retail industry consists of all companies that sell goods and services to consumers. Many different retail sales and store types worldwide, including grocery, convenience, discounts, independents, department stores, DIY, electrical, and specialty. The retail industry shows a steady growth year on year and employs many workers worldwide, particularly with the growing popularity of online retail

  • $31,200 Average salary
  • 54.6% Of Men Make Up This Industry
  • 45.4% Of Women Make Up This Industry

History & Future



The retail industry is evolving with exponential increases in ecommerce and trends toward omnichannel shopping experiences. Along with these shifts, 2022 will see the industry capitalizing on direct-to-consumer strategies, relying more on first-party data and responding to an imperative for supply chain efficiency. The future of retail includes embracing ecosystems and the experience economy, reconfiguring stores, and preparing for Web3 and the metaverse.

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The first retail stores take up the mantle further down the line. By 800 BC in ancient Greece, people had developed markets with merchants selling their wares in the Agora in the city center. These ruins are of an ancient Greek agora. People would come there not only to shop but to socialize and participate in government. Flash a couple of thousand years forwards, and we have our modern mammoths: retail giants like Walmart, Costco, and Target